Copyright (c) 2008 Titus Hoskins
As a full-time webmaster and site owner, figuring out just what Google wants has been the most challenging aspect of running an online business. For many webmasters Google is the eight ton elephant in the room and you only have two options: upset the elephant and get trampled or quickly find out what it likes to consume and try to feed it.
In order to keep Google fed, webmasters have to jump through more than one set of hoops. When it comes to getting top rankings in Google's Index or SERPs, there are 200 of these hoops or ranking factors. And if you want to play in Google's ballpark, you have to try and master the majority of them.
For years, frustrated webmasters have been guessing and searching for these ranking factors. Asking what does Google want? How does Google rank pages and keywords? How does Google want you to build your site?
Ten years ago it wouldn't have mattered what Google thought of your site for it wasn't even in the picture, but now when it comes to online search, Google is king of the hill. And as we all know, kings get whatever they want.
Besides, any webmaster worth his salt, knows Google is what counts when it comes to organic traffic - you can achieve #1 spots for a keyword in all three top search engines (Yahoo and MSN being the other two light-weight contenders) but Google will simply deliver the most traffic to your site.
Google doesn't as yet have a monopoly on web search, but it's getting close to 70% of U.S. traffic and in some countries it's up over 90%. But it's not only the search numbers which makes Google king - it is the prestige and power of the Google brand name. Google has truly permeated into popular culture and the public psyche like no other brand name in history.
Google brings respect and trust into the equation. Web users respect and trust Google to give them a quality answer to their question. That's why it was rather ironic, that for years webmasters have been asking Google about their ranking system, their algorithm, their practices... for years Google remained for the most part silent. This was mainly to keep at bay, those who would like to "game" the system in order to get high rankings within Google.
Until now that is, maybe it's just me but doesn't it appear that Google is suddenly opening up about its whole ranking procedures and what they expect from webmasters. Maybe the answers have always been there, we just couldn't find them. However, a more likely scenario is that someone high up within Google made the decision to be more transparent with it comes to webmasters and how much they would tell them.
In recent Webmaster live chats, Googlers Matt Cutts, Maile Ohye, among others... have been honestly answering questions about what Google requires webmasters to do regarding their sites. These are Q&A sessions dealing with the "burning questions" webmasters have had for years concerning Google and what Google wants. Do a search in Google for "Google Webmaster Help | Google Groups" if you will to find these sessions.
Since I run several modest sites on webmaster tools and Internet marketing I am approached by more than a few people who want me to help them build their online site or business. One of the major issues that always comes up somewhere in the process (usually phrased in different ways) is this question:
What does Google want? What does Google expect of my site? How do I get ranked high in Google?
Mainly because my chief goal is to help these webmasters understand Google better in order to build a profitable site; I have struggled and puzzled over this question for years.
What is Google's Golden Rule?
Many experts believe it is related to relevancy - the key to getting high rankings is how relevant your content is to the question being asked? Maybe so, but in order to explain it to a would-be webmaster, I had to find the words that would most appropriately sum up Google's prime directive?
After you go through all the SEO checkmarks, take into account the quality and uniqueness of your content, factor in the credibility and authority of your site and backlinks, and factor in the relevancy issue... this was the simple Google Golden Rule I came up with:
"Always think of your visitor first when creating any content for your site."
This may or may not be what Google is expecting but all indications are pointing in the direction of the "visitor's experience" and how good you or your content make that experience? Google is serving up a product, it wants the user of their product to be happy with the results. If they're happy, Google is happy. And if everyone's happy then the kingdom grows.
Still anything as simple and as complicated as getting top rankings in Google can't be boiled down to a single catch phrase. You must do your homework and a good starting point would be to thoroughly read Google's Webmaster Guidelines. Studying and listening to the latest Google webmaster chats may also prove beneficial and helpful.
However, there are still those 200 hoops you have to jump through and you must be extremely careful of how you build your site if you're trying to please Google. Listen when the king speaks. Observe his rules. Be on your guard, and it helps to become just a little paranoid. And always, always remember, an elephant never forgets.
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Google's sweeping changes confirm the search giant has launched a full out assault against artificial link inflation & declared war against search engine spam in a continuing effort to provide the best search service in the world... and if you thought you cracked the Google Code and had Google all figured out ... guess again.
Google has raised the bar against search engine spam and artificial link inflation to unrivaled heights with the filing of a United States Patent Application 20050071741 on December 31, 2003. On March 31, 2005 is was available online for the first time.
The filing unquestionable provides SEO's with valuable insight into Google's tightly guarded search intelligence and confirms that Google's information retrieval is based on historical data.
What exactly do these changes mean to you? Your credibility and reputation on-line are going under the Googlescope! Google has defined their patent abstract as follows:
A system identifies a document and obtains one or more types of history data associated with the document. The system may generate a score for the document based, at least in part, on the one or more types of history data.
Google's patent specification reveals a significant amount of information both old and new about the possible ways Google can (and likely does) use your web page updates to determine the ranking of your site in the SERPs.
Unfortunately, the patent filing does not prioritize or conclusively confirm any specific method one way or the other.
Here's how Google scores your web pages.
In addition to evaluating and scoring web page content, the ranking of web pages are admittedly still influenced by the frequency of page or site updates. What's new and interesting is what Google takes into account in determining the freshness of a web page.
For example, if a stale page continues to procure incoming links, it will still be considered fresh, even if the page header (Last-Modified: tells when the file was most recently modified) hasn't changed and the content is not updated or ‘stale'.
According to their patent filing Google records and scores the following web page changes to determine freshness.
·The frequency of all web page changes ·The actual amount of the change itself... whether it is a substantial change redundant or superfluous ·Changes in keyword distribution or density ·The actual number of new web pages that link to a web page ·The change or update of anchor text (the text that is used to link to a web page) ·The numbers of new links to low trust web sites (for example, a domain may be considered low trust for having too many affiliate links on one web page).
Although there is no specific number of links indicated in the patent it might be advisable to limit affiliate links on new web pages. Caution should also be used in linking to pages with multiple affiliate links.
Developing your web page augments for page freshness.
Now I'm not suggesting that it's always beneficial or advisable to change the content of your web pages regularly, but it is very important to keep your pages fresh regularly and that may not necessarily mean a content change.
Google states that decayed or stale results might be desirable for information that doesn't necessarily need updating, while fresh content is good for results that require it.
How do you unravel that statement and differentiate between the two types of content?
An excellent example of this methodology is the roller coaster ride seasonal results might experience in Google's SERPs based on the actual season of the year.
A page related to winter clothing may rank higher in the winter than the summer... and the geographical area the end user is searching from will now likely be considered and factored into the search results.
Likewise, specific vacation destinations might rank higher in the SERPs in certain geographic regions during specific seasons of the year. Google can monitor and score pages by recording click through rate changes by season.
Google is no stranger to fighting Spam and is taking serious new measures to crack down on offenders like never before.
Section 0128 of Googles patent filing claims that you shouldn't change the focus of multiple pages at once.
Here's a quote from their rationale:
"A significant change over time in the set of topics associated with a document may indicate that the document has changed owners and previous document indicators, such as score, anchor text, etc., are no longer reliable.
Similarly, a spike in the number of topics could indicate spam. For example, if a particular document is associated with a set of one or more topics over what may be considered a 'stable' period of time and then a (sudden) spike occurs in the number of topics associated with the document, this may be an indication that the document has been taken over as a 'doorway' document.
Another indication may include the sudden disappearance of the original topics associated with the document. If one or more of these situations are detected, then [Google] may reduce the relative score of such documents and/or the links, anchor text, or other data associated the document."
Unfortunately, this means that Google's sandbox phenomenon and/or the aging delay may apply to your web site if you change too many of your web pages at once.
From the case studies I've conducted it's more likely the rule and not the exception.
What does all this mean to you?
Keep your pages themed, relevant and most importantly consistent. You have to establish reliability! The days of spamming Google are drawing to an end.
If you require multi page content changes implement the changes in segments over time. Continue to use your original keywords on each page you change to maintain theme consistency.
You can easily make significant content changes by implementing lateral keywords to support and reinforce your vertical keyword(s) and phrases. This will also help eliminate keyword stuffing.
Make sure you determine if the keywords you're using require static or fresh search results and update your web site content accordingly. On this point RSS feeds may play a more valuable and strategic role than ever before in keeping pages fresh and at the top of the SERPs.
The bottom line here is webmasters must look ahead, plan and mange their domains more tightly than ever before or risk plummeting in the SERPs.
Does Google use your domain name to determine the ranking of your site?
Google's patent references specific types of ‘information relating to how a document is hosted within a computer network' that can directly influence the ranking of a specific web site. This is Google's way of determining the legitimacy of your domain name.
Therefore, the credibility of your host has never been more important to ranking well in Google's SERP's.
Google states they may check the information of a name server in multiple ways.
Bad name servers might host known spam sites, adult and/or doorway domains. If you're hosted on a known bad name server your rankings will undoubtedly suffer... if you're not blacklisted entirely.
What I found particularly interesting is the criteria that Google may consider in determining the value of a domain or identifying it as a spam domain; According to their patent, Google may now record the following information:
·The length of the domain registration... is it greater than one year or less than one year?
·The address of the web site owner. Possibly for returning higher relevancy local search results and attaching accountability to the domain. ·The admin and the technical contact info. This info is often changed several times or completely falsified on spam domains; again this check is for consistency! ·The stability of your host and their IP range... is your IP range associated with spam?
Google's rationale for domain registration is based on the premise that valuable domains are often secured many years in advance while domains used for spam are rarely secured for more than a year.
If in doubt about a host's integrity I recommend checking their mail server at to see if they're in the spam database. Watch for red flags!
If your mail server is listed you may have a problem ranking well in Google!
Securing a reputable host can and will go a long way in promoting your web site to Google.
The simplest strategy may be registering your domain several years in advance with a reputable provider thereby demonstrating longevity and accountability to Google. Google wants to see that you're serious about your site and not a flash in the pan spam shop.
Googles Aging Delay has teeth... and they're taking a bite out of spam!
It's no big secret that Google relies heavily on links when it comes to ranking web sites.
According to their patent filing, Google may record the discovery date of a link and link changes over time.
In addition to volume, quality & the anchor text of links, Google's patent illustrates possible ways how Google might use historical information to further determine the value of links.
For example, the life span of a link and the speed at which a new web site gets links.
"Burst link growth may be a strong indicator of search engine spam".
This is the first concrete evidence that Google may penalize sites for rapid link acquisition. Whether the "burst growth" rule applies to high trust/authorative sites and directory listings remains unknown. I personally haven't experienced this phenomenon. What's clear for certain though is the inevitable end to results orientated link farming.
I would point out here that regardless of whether burst link growth will be tolerated for authorative sites or authorative link acquisition, webmasters will have to get smarter and work harder to secure authorative links as their counterparts become reluctant to exchange links with low trust sites. Now Page Rank really has value!
Relevant content swaps may be a nice alternative to the standard link exchange and allow you some control of the link page elements.
So what else does Google consider in determining the aging delay?
·The anchor text and the discovery date of links are recorded, thus establishing the countdown period of the aging delay. ·Links with a long-term life span may be more valuable than links with a short life span. ·The appearance and disappearance of a links over time. ·Growth rates of links as well as the link growth of independent peer pages. Again, this suggests that rapid link acquisition and the quality of peer pages are monitored ·Anchor text over a given period of time for keyword consistency. ·Inbound links from fresh pages... might be considered more important than links from stale pages. ·Google doesn't expect that new web sites have a large number of links so purchasing large numbers of brokered links will likely hurt you more than help you. Google indicates that it is better for link growth to remain constant and naturally paced. In addition, the anchor text should be varied as much as possible. ·New web sites should not acquire too many new links; it'll be tolerated if the links are from trusted sites but it may be considered spam.
So how do you build your link popularity / Page Rank and avoid penalties?
When it comes to linking, you should clearly avoid the hocus pocus or magic bullet linking schemes. If you participate in quick fix link exchange scams, use automated link exchange software or buy hundreds of links at once, chances are Google will interpret your efforts as a spam attempt and act accordingly.
Don't get caught in this trap... the recovery period could be substantial since your host and IP range are also considered!
When you exchange links with other web sites, do it slowly and consistently.
Develop a link management and maintenance program. Schedule regular times every week to build the links to your site and vary the anchor text that points to your site.
Obviously, the links to your site should utilize your keywords. To avoid repetition use lateral keywords and keyword phrases in the anchor text since Google wants to see varied anchor text!
Your sites click through rate may now monitored through bookmarks, cache, favorites, and temporary files.
It's no big secret that Google has always been suspected of rewarding sites with higher click through rates (very similar to what Google does with their AdWords program) so it shouldn't come as a great surprise that Google still considers site stickiness and CTR tracking in their criterion.
What's interesting though is Google is interested in tracking the behavior of web surfers through bookmarks, cache, favorites, and temporary files (most likely with the Google toolbar and/or the Google desktop search tool). Google's Patent filing indicates Google might track the following information: ·Click through rates are monitored for changes in seasonality, fast increases, or other spike traffic in addition to increase or decrease trends. ·The volume of searches over time is recorded and monitored for increases. ·The information regarding a web page's rankings are recorded and monitored for changes. ·Click through rates are monitored to find out if stale or fresh web pages are preferred for a search query. ·The traffic to a web page is recorded and monitored for changes... like Alexa. ·User behavior may be monitored through bookmarks, cache, favorites, and temporary files. ·Bookmarks and favorites could be monitored for both additions and deletions, and; ·The overall user behavior for trends and changes.
Since Google is capable of tracking the click-through rates to your web site, you should make sure that your web pages have attractive titles and utilize calls to action so that web surfers click on them in the search results.
It's also important to keep your visitors there so make your web pages interesting enough so that web surfers stay some time on your web site. It might also help if your web site visitors added your web site to their bookmarks.
As you can see, Google's new ranking criterion has evolved far beyond the reliance of criteria that can be readily or easily manipulated. One thing is for certain with Google, whatever direction search innovation is going; you can trust Google to be pioneering the way and setting new standards
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What is a Google Sitemap?
A Google Sitemap is a very simple XML document that lists all the pages in your website, but the Google Sitemaps program is actually much more important than that. In fact, the Sitemaps program provides a little peek inside Google's mind - and it can tell you a lot about what Google thinks of your website!
Why Should You Use Google Sitemaps?
Until Google Sitemaps was released in the summer of 2005, optimizing a site for Google was a guessing game at best. A website's page might be deleted from the index, and the Webmaster had no idea why. Alternatively, a site's content could be scanned, but because of the peculiarities of the algorithm, the only pages that would rank well might be the "About Us" page, or the company's press releases.
As webmasters we were at the whim of Googlebot, the seemingly arbitrary algorithmic kingmaker that could make or break a website overnight through shifts in search engine positioning. There was no way to communicate with Google about a website - either to understand what was wrong with it, or to tell Google when something had been updated.
That all changed about a year ago when Google released Sitemaps, but the program really became useful in February of 2006 when Google updated it with a couple new tools.
So, what exactly is the Google Sitemaps program, and how can you use it to improve the position of your website? Well, there are essentially two reasons to use Google Sitemaps:
Sitemaps provide you with a way to tell Google valuable information about your website
You can use Sitemaps to learn what Google thinks about your website
What You Can Tell Google About Your Site
Believe it or not, Google is concerned about making sure webmasters have a way of communicating information that is important about their sites. Although Googlebot does a pretty decent job of finding and cataloging web pages, it has very little ability to rate the relative importance of one page versus another. After all, many important pages on the Internet are not properly "optimized", and many of the people who couldn't care less about spending their time on linking campaigns create some of the best content.
Therefore, Google gives you the ability to tell them on a scale of 0.0 to 1.0 how important a given page is relative to all the others. Using this system, you might tell Google that your home page is a 1.0, each of your product sections is a 0.8, and each of your individual product pages is a 0.5. Pages like your company's address and contact information might only rate a 0.2.
You can also tell Google how often your pages are updated and the date that each page was last modified. For example your home page might be updated every day, while a particular product page might only be updated on an annual basis.
What Google Can Tell You About Your Site
Having the ability to tell Google all this information is important, but you don't even need to create a sitemap file in order to enjoy some of the perks of having a Google Sitemaps account.
That's because even without a Sitemap file, you can still learn about any errors that Googlebot has found on your website. As you probably know, your site doesn't have to be "broken" for a robot to have trouble crawling it's pages. Google Sitemaps will tell you about pages it was unable to crawl and links it was unable to follow. Therefore, you can see where these problems are and fix them before your pages get deleted from the index.
You can also get information on the types of searches people are using to find your website. Of course, most website analytics tools will give this information to you anyway, but if the tool you use doesn't have this feature, then it's always nice to get it for free from Google.
But the best part of the Sitemaps program is the Page analysis section that was added in February of 2006. This page gives you two lists of words. The first list contains the words that Googlebot associates with your website based on content on your site. The second list contains words that Googlebot has found linking to your site!
Unfortunately, Google limits the number of words in each list to 20. As a consequence, the inbound links column is partly wasted by words such as "http", "www", and "com" - terms that apply equally to all websites (hey Google, how about suppressing those terms from the report?). That said, this list does provide you with a way to judge the effectiveness of your offsite optimization efforts.
When you compare these two lists, you can get an understanding of what Google thinks your website is about. If the words on your Site Content column are not really what you want Googlebot to think about your site, then you know you need to tweak your website's copy to make it more focused on your core competency.
If, on the other hand your inbound links don't contain any keywords that you want to rank well for, then perhaps you should focus your efforts in that direction.
Above all else, you really want these two lists to agree. You want your inbound linked words to match up to the site content words. This means that Google has a clear understanding of the focus of your website.
Additional Benefits of the Sitemaps Program
Google has even started notifying Sitemaps-participating Webmasters if they are breaking any of Google's Webmaster Guidelines. This can be very valuable information if your site suddenly becomes de-listed on Google and you don't know why.
Only Sitemaps participants can get this information, and it is only provided at Google's discretion. In fact, Google will NOT notify you if you are creating worthless websites that offer no original content, or if you are creating thousands of doorway pages that are redirecting to other web sites. Google doesn't want to give the sp@ammers any clues as to how to improve their techniques.
How Do You Get Started with Google Site Maps?
The first thing you must do is obtain a Google Account. If you already have a Gmail, Adsense, or Adwords account, then you are all set. If not, you can register an account by visiting the Google Accounts page (
Building your sitemap file is pretty easy to do if you are familiar with XML, and if you aren't you can always use a third-party tool such as the ones that are listed on Google's website ( Google also has a "Sitemap Generator" that you can download and install on your server, but unless you are fairly adept at managing Python scripts, you should probably stick to the third-party tools.
At any rate, once you have your Google Account and your Sitemap file built, the rest is very easy. All you have to do is:
Log into your account (
Type your website's URL into the "Add Site" box and click on "OK"
Click on the Manage Sites link for the website you are adding, and add your sitemap file to your account.
Google Sitemaps - An Excellent SEO Tool
Google Sitemaps help Googlebot quickly find new content on your website. They allow you to tell Google what's important, what's new, and what changes often. The tools provided to webmasters through the program can play a vital role in helping you understand how the search engines (especially Google) view your website.
Using this information you can dramatically improve the position of your website and quickly clear up any issues Google finds. You can also use the tools provided by Google to gauge the effectiveness of your off-site optimization efforts so you can better focus your time and energy on activities that bring you the most success.
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Googlo!Google.Things sure change fast.Once an abscure mathematical concept,the new age respelled and capitalized avatar is the search engine that has come from nowhere to become the search engine of choice,and even an accepted english verb!Heck i have a confession to make and now's as good a time as any - i love google!
Why you may ask?whay am i wasting precious newsprint proclaiming a much-repeated cliche?Let me explain.Its not about the pleasing lack of banner advertising in its search results or for that matter that the management vehemently promotes its fundamental guideline:Don't Be Evil." its probably the intuitive accuracy with which Google ferrets out the information people are actually looking for.Or maybe it's just that i can't even remember how we managed when the entire world wasn't indexed and instantly available.
Truth be told,Googleis what a lot of us really want the internet to represent-information that is fast and free.As a business,this is precisely where other players have messed up and are playing catch up now.Strange as it may sound in the industry in which it operates,Google built on what one could call a second mover advantage.
Getting there is one thing and as yahoo must've learnt the hard way,staying there is quite another.It's not surprising then that as a general practice,Google also requires that its engineers spend 20 percent of their time working on personal technology projects.Give a bunch of really smart guys that kind of freedom,agreed even Google suggests that the ideas in this technology playground aren't ready for primetime but given their track record of products staying perennially in beta (Gmail) some of this stuff is too compelling to ignore.
Google Suggest
If you love autoComplete,you're going to dig this!Take a regular Google search and throw in an algorithm to predict the user queries based on overall popularity from the database that it maintains to track 'search trends'.As you type,the suggestion appears in a drop down menu.Type in 'Chip' and Google suggest refines the from down list to suggest anything from chips to chippendales along with the number of results against each alternative.What really rocks is that displaying this list is obviously a computationally intensive task,and it's achieved in near real time!
Perfect for those times when you want to peep into the guts of Google and see how other users think and search.And of course as creator Kevin Gibbs puts it,it "makes it easier to type in your favorite searches.
Google Scholar
If you're the sort who thinks going to a library to pull up research papers is a real drag,Google scholar is for you.While it claims to index everything from peer-reviewed papers,theses,books,preprints,abstracts and technical reports in many areas of research,it offers only some of what you would expect from a library database.The convenience of the one-box-fits-all-interface is very compelling and what's really promising is that for the first time,Google spiders have crawled into password-protected subscription-based content to provide abstracts of hitherto uncrawled academic material.
when spidering the content,Google spiders also identify authors of the papers as well as the formal titles of the papers and other documents that cite the material.The citation go as inputs to the special ranking algorithm to establish the popularity and connection between two otherwise link-disconnected articles.
Google may simply have hit the sweet spot for research students and faculty the world over - not by providing new material but by exposing material that was till now invisible to our day and age.No longer will Google be merely indexing the web;it will be adding vast amounts of content as well.
Google Print
Drawing inspiration from the scholar project,Google engineers collaborated to form Google Print.If the material you're searching for deos not actually exist online,and enough papers reference it,Google provides a handy Library search that searches libraries for offline books.
And that's not all.As we go to print,Google has begun a massive digitization project with five libraries:stanford,University of Michigan,Harvard,Newyork Public Library and Oxford - estimated to cost upwards of $150 million and over five years to digitize.Copyright material will of course only be available as bibliographic information and snippets of text but books in the public domain will be fully searchable and if you still prefer the smell of dead trees,printable.
Of course geek humor will still prevail at Google.Seen on the Google Print home page:"No library books were harmed during the making of these digital copies".
Personalized Web Search
Nifty,very nifty stuff.Privacy issues asid,personalized search lets you create your own profile of interests (such as technology,open source).Now when you search on the personalized web search page you can drag a slider to show personalized results.
Take it out for a spin.I entered Open Source as an interest.then searched for nothing but 'news'.Without personalization,i get maximized personalization,i got to see technology blog Slashdot in the top spot.
Google stores personalized profiles by setting a cookie,oblitering the need for logging in time and again.
Google Alerts
Kevin Gibbs wasn't kidding if you're so lazy that you would rather get Google to tell you when your search results change in Google news or Web Search,so be it Google Alerts sends you e-mail anytime there are new Google results for your search terms.All you've got to do is visit the Alerts page,enter your search and the frequency of checking and your e-mail address.very neat if you're tracking a breaking news story or want the latest dope on that girl you saw on TV the other day.
Google Desktop Search
yeah,yeah.Much have been said about the google destop search everywhere.Google Desktop search indexes and searches files on your windows PC so fast.
Reviews say Google's isn't the best,but it's good enough and it will improve,as will competition.The state of desktop search woefully inadequate for so many now is going to get much,much better.
Google Compute
SETI lovers unite!.if you search for extra terrestrial intelligence has yielded nothing but colorful patterns on your computer all these years,it's time to devote your spare computing cycles to a nobler cause-through the process known as distributed computing,where a processor downloads a small piece of a large research project and performs calculations on it much like thousands of other client.
Folding@home,stanford funded project to understand the nature and structure of proteins to better diagnose and treat illnesses,is the first recipent of the Google Compute project and if this is what it takes to help humanity,E.T can wait.
Google Voice Search
Google on the telephone?Yup crazy as it may sound you dial the Voice Search phone number,speak your keywords and then click on the indicated link.It's still experimental and doesn't always work.
Cool Tools
If you thought Google was only about search think again!Here are some of the cool things the plain white page can do-all these have at some point of time or the other graduated from Google Labs.Not bad for employee projects,eh?
Cached Links: Useful,especially when the site has since disappeared from the World Wide Web,Google's cached Links bring the page back to life.CPR for the web eh?
Shopping-froogle and Catalogs: Indexes products from online stores and more than 6,000 paper catalogs in a searchable index.
Then what else surf over to
That said,Google lab projects may suddenly disappear at any time out of lack of user interest,or lack of stability or that they were so popular that Google servers went on strike.
If one could call a search engine 'sexy',then Google would be the pinup power search glam boy of the world wide web.
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Googlo!Google.Things sure change fast.Once an abscure mathematical concept,the new age respelled and capitalized avatar is the search engine that has come from nowhere to become the search engine of choice,and even an accepted english verb!Heck i have a confession to make and now's as good a time as any - i love google!
Why you may ask?whay am i wasting precious newsprint proclaiming a much-repeated cliche?Let me explain.Its not about the pleasing lack of banner advertising in its search results or for that matter that the management vehemently promotes its fundamental guideline:Don't Be Evil." its probably the intuitive accuracy with which Google ferrets out the information people are actually looking for.Or maybe it's just that i can't even remember how we managed when the entire world wasn't indexed and instantly available.
Truth be told,Googleis what a lot of us really want the internet to represent-information that is fast and free.As a business,this is precisely where other players have messed up and are playing catch up now.Strange as it may sound in the industry in which it operates,Google built on what one could call a second mover advantage.
Getting there is one thing and as yahoo must've learnt the hard way,staying there is quite another.It's not surprising then that as a general practice,Google also requires that its engineers spend 20 percent of their time working on personal technology projects.Give a bunch of really smart guys that kind of freedom,agreed even Google suggests that the ideas in this technology playground aren't ready for primetime but given their track record of products staying perennially in beta (Gmail) some of this stuff is too compelling to ignore.
Google Suggest
If you love autoComplete,you're going to dig this!Take a regular Google search and throw in an algorithm to predict the user queries based on overall popularity from the database that it maintains to track 'search trends'.As you type,the suggestion appears in a drop down menu.Type in 'Chip' and Google suggest refines the from down list to suggest anything from chips to chippendales along with the number of results against each alternative.What really rocks is that displaying this list is obviously a computationally intensive task,and it's achieved in near real time!
Perfect for those times when you want to peep into the guts of Google and see how other users think and search.And of course as creator Kevin Gibbs puts it,it "makes it easier to type in your favorite searches.
Google Scholar
If you're the sort who thinks going to a library to pull up research papers is a real drag,Google scholar is for you.While it claims to index everything from peer-reviewed papers,theses,books,preprints,abstracts and technical reports in many areas of research,it offers only some of what you would expect from a library database.The convenience of the one-box-fits-all-interface is very compelling and what's really promising is that for the first time,Google spiders have crawled into password-protected subscription-based content to provide abstracts of hitherto uncrawled academic material.
when spidering the content,Google spiders also identify authors of the papers as well as the formal titles of the papers and other documents that cite the material.The citation go as inputs to the special ranking algorithm to establish the popularity and connection between two otherwise link-disconnected articles.
Google may simply have hit the sweet spot for research students and faculty the world over - not by providing new material but by exposing material that was till now invisible to our day and age.No longer will Google be merely indexing the web;it will be adding vast amounts of content as well.
Google Print
Drawing inspiration from the scholar project,Google engineers collaborated to form Google Print.If the material you're searching for deos not actually exist online,and enough papers reference it,Google provides a handy Library search that searches libraries for offline books.
And that's not all.As we go to print,Google has begun a massive digitization project with five libraries:stanford,University of Michigan,Harvard,Newyork Public Library and Oxford - estimated to cost upwards of $150 million and over five years to digitize.Copyright material will of course only be available as bibliographic information and snippets of text but books in the public domain will be fully searchable and if you still prefer the smell of dead trees,printable.
Of course geek humor will still prevail at Google.Seen on the Google Print home page:"No library books were harmed during the making of these digital copies".
Personalized Web Search
Nifty,very nifty stuff.Privacy issues asid,personalized search lets you create your own profile of interests (such as technology,open source).Now when you search on the personalized web search page you can drag a slider to show personalized results.
Take it out for a spin.I entered Open Source as an interest.then searched for nothing but 'news'.Without personalization,i get maximized personalization,i got to see technology blog Slashdot in the top spot.
Google stores personalized profiles by setting a cookie,oblitering the need for logging in time and again.
Google Alerts
Kevin Gibbs wasn't kidding if you're so lazy that you would rather get Google to tell you when your search results change in Google news or Web Search,so be it Google Alerts sends you e-mail anytime there are new Google results for your search terms.All you've got to do is visit the Alerts page,enter your search and the frequency of checking and your e-mail address.very neat if you're tracking a breaking news story or want the latest dope on that girl you saw on TV the other day.
Google Desktop Search
yeah,yeah.Much have been said about the google destop search everywhere.Google Desktop search indexes and searches files on your windows PC so fast.
Reviews say Google's isn't the best,but it's good enough and it will improve,as will competition.The state of desktop search woefully inadequate for so many now is going to get much,much better.
Google Compute
SETI lovers unite!.if you search for extra terrestrial intelligence has yielded nothing but colorful patterns on your computer all these years,it's time to devote your spare computing cycles to a nobler cause-through the process known as distributed computing,where a processor downloads a small piece of a large research project and performs calculations on it much like thousands of other client.
Folding@home,stanford funded project to understand the nature and structure of proteins to better diagnose and treat illnesses,is the first recipent of the Google Compute project and if this is what it takes to help humanity,E.T can wait.
Google Voice Search
Google on the telephone?Yup crazy as it may sound you dial the Voice Search phone number,speak your keywords and then click on the indicated link.It's still experimental and doesn't always work.
Cool Tools
If you thought Google was only about search think again!Here are some of the cool things the plain white page can do-all these have at some point of time or the other graduated from Google Labs.Not bad for employee projects,eh?
Cached Links: Useful,especially when the site has since disappeared from the World Wide Web,Google's cached Links bring the page back to life.CPR for the web eh?
Shopping-froogle and Catalogs: Indexes products from online stores and more than 6,000 paper catalogs in a searchable index.
Then what else surf over to
That said,Google lab projects may suddenly disappear at any time out of lack of user interest,or lack of stability or that they were so popular that Google servers went on strike.
If one could call a search engine 'sexy',then Google would be the pinup power search glam boy of the world wide web.
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What is a Google Sitemap?
Google Sitemaps help Google's search engine spider discover and index pages on your website. In its basic form, a Google Sitemap is a list of all the webpages on your website. When Google's search engine spider reads this list, it then knows about all those webpages that are specified in the sitemap. Google Sitemaps come in two formats: xml sitemaps and text sitemaps. Both formats contain the addresses of all the webpages on your website. The XML version contains additional information about each webpage such as its last modification date and roughly how often it is updated.
How Does a Google Sitemap Help Me?
If your website does not have a Google Sitemap, Google's search engine spider downloads a webpage from your website and scans through it looking for any links that it contains to other webpages in your website. Google's spider then downloads all those newly discovered pages and repeats the process of scanning for links. Such download and scanning takes time. If you have a Google Sitemap, Google's spider immediately knows about all the webpages on your website. Reading the Google Sitemap is considerably faster than having to download and scan each page. A Google Sitemap also helps if your webpages are not well linked together or not at all. In that case, without a Google Sitemap, it may take a while for some webpages to be discovered or discovered at all. Google Sitemaps eliminate that problem.
Does Index Everything?
The answer to that question is no. states, "we can't guarantee that URLs from your Sitemap will be added to the Google index." Even though does not guarantee that it will index everything that you specify in your Google Sitemap, a Google Sitemap should increase the opportunity that your webpages will be indexed sooner since Google will know about them sooner. If Google does not know about your webpages, they definitely will not be indexed.
If I Create a Sitemap Will It Hurt Me? states, "In most cases, webmasters will benefit from Sitemap submission, and in no case will you be penalized for it." uses the information contained in your Google Sitemap to learn about the structure of your website and to better schedule its search engine spider in the scanning (a.k.a. crawling or spidering) of your website.
How Do I Generate a Google Sitemap?
There are several tools available that you use to create Google Sitemap. itself even provides a sitemap generator written in the Python programming language. There are also websites where you type in your website address and its spider goes and scans your website to determine all your webpages; however, such scanning is time consuming since every page on your website must be scanned, and the process must be initiated by you. A faster way of generating a Google Sitemap is to use Google Sitemap generator software that runs locally on your website.
How Can I Automate Google Sitemap Generation?
Creating sitemaps can be an automated process. The simplest way is to install and use the Google Sitemap generator software. Once you install this software in your cgi-bin directory, the software will automatically generate the Google Sitemap each time it is accessed. This software is of the type whereby you can "set it and forget it". You can go about adding to your website and you do not have to worry about updating your Google Sitemap. The software works by scanning your website's hard drive looking for files to include in your Google Sitemap. By directly accessing the hard drive rather than downloading webpages, the software very quickly generates the Google Sitemap. On a typical server, the sitemap generator software finds about 500 webpages per second (that's 2 ms/page).
How Do I Tell About My Google Sitemap?
There are two ways that you can use to tell about your Google Sitemap. The first method is the simplest and the quickest to do. In your robots.txt file, include a line that says "sitemap:" followed by the website address of your Google Sitemap. For example, the Google Sitemap of the website is located at thus its robots.txt file contains a line that states, sitemap: The second method involves logging into Webmaster Tools at and adding your site to the Sites Dashboard, and then submitting your Google Sitemap. Once you add your site, click the "Verify" link and follow the instructions and you will gain access to additional statistics about your website and status information about the processing of your Google Sitemap.
In Summary, What Do I Need to Do?
1. Use a Google Sitemap Generator such as
2. Add your Google Sitemap to your robots.txt file.
3. Add your site to Google Webmaster Tools
4. Submit your Google Sitemap.
Having an Google Sitemap is a good first step to get your webpages indexed. And with an automated sitemaps generator, improve the possibility of your webpages being indexed and showing up in search engine results.
Easy ways to earn money with Blog or Website !!!
follow step by step :
1. Create a blog with
2. link exchange example : linkalizer , linkexchanged , gothimatch , religiousmall , linkadministrator
3. Join advertisement program, earn money with advertisement. example : adsense Google , revenuepilot , adbrite , bidvertiser and others
4. Join Affiliate program, earn money with affiliate program. example : SFI , clickbank , roiroket , LinkShare Affiliate!
5. Join Forums. Example : preCharge Community Forums , Free Advertising Blog
6. Join Articles. Example : article marketer ,
7. Join Press Releases : ,
8. Join Hit Exchanges. Example : trafficswarm , 123click , Hit Pulse
9. Join Building Network. Example : Your Luck List , 241Lead , Viral traffic list , List Dot Com
Search engine Positioning
you have submitted your blog at search engine and link exchange with others website company.
example : link exchange with
Reach On Top Ranking Position
Almost everyone uses search engines to find sites, and if your site doesn't turn up on the first page of results you're losing valuable traffic. Achieving a Top 10 ranking is vital to your success on the Web.
We will explain more details in the future as following :
1) What is a blog ?
** A blog is a simple web page that anyone can set up in minutes.
** Blog is a part of website. We take an example : is a website. is a blog. Are you understand now ? So, we can register a blog at or or others.
** Having a blog is a vital part of making money on the internet.
** If you are looking for a way to start making money on the internet, and you have a budget that is very small or zero, blogging is a great way to get started.
2) How to create a blog ?
** Firstly, you have to prepare a blog address which includes a keyword phrase. (example : ,YYY is blog name) , title which includes your keyword and content info.
** After that, you can register at or or others.
Example :
** Register at step by step **
** (1) Click on " CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW "
** (2) Fill out the form
** (3) Enter title and blog address
** (4) Choose a template
** (5) Start Posting
** (6) Enter title and Content
** (7) Click on Setting
** (8) Click on Publishing
** (9) Notify change to "YES" ( is a blog update notification service that many individuals and services use to track blog changes.)
3) What we can take advantage from blog ?
** You can make money with a free blog
** Join advertisement program is free, earn money with advertisement. example : adsense Google , revenuepilot , adbrite , bidvertiser and others
** Join Affiliate program is free, earn money with affiliate program. example : SFI , clickbank , roiroket , LinkShare Affiliate!
** The cost for all is absolutely nothing
4) Why ping a blog ?
** Once you finish posting, you need to ping it. Pinging lets the blog directories know that something has changed. The search engines will come crawling / updating.
** Every time, you post new content to your blog, you need to ping it
5) How to ping a blog ?
** Click on
6) How some people can make money & earn money over USD $ 20,000/month on the internet ?
** Some people use blog or website to create fortune online : such as advertisement , promote affiliate program, deliver newsletter, sell text link , sell ebooks and others.
** example : They use blog freely to earn money.
** 1 blog earn money at least $ 20.00 for one month , they create 1000 blog , how much they could earn ?
USD $ 20,000.00 . Is it easy ??? . They just join advertisement and affiliate program (all is free).
7) How to submit your blog or website to search engine ?
** Search Engine : Google , Yahoo , Msn and many others.
** Go to Google's search engine, just type "add url google" , the listing will be displayed, you will see the title "add url google" on the listing, just click on and register it.
** Go to Yahoo's search engine, just type "add url Yahoo" the listing will be displayed, you will see the title "add url Yahoo" on the listing, just click on and register it.
** Go to Msn's search engine, just type "add url Msn" the listing will be displayed, you will see the title "add url Msn" on the listing, just click on and register it.
** Or, go to submit free to 50 Search Engine
8) How to promote blog or website on the internet ?
** Write an article relevant with your blog or website. Example : article marketer
** Join Forums. Example : preCharge Community Forums and others.
** The link exchange strategy is what will give you traffic in the long term and most important. example : linkalizer , linkexchanged , gothimatch , religiousmall , linkadministrator
** Join Hit Exchanges. Example : trafficswarm , 123click , Hit Pulse
** Join Press Releases : ,
** Join Building Network. Example : Your Luck List , 241Lead , Viral traffic list , List Dot Com
** Join PPC advertisement
9) What is PPC advertisement ?
** PPC - Pay Per Click.
** Earn money from your website or blog - get paid for every click
** Earn money with affiliate program that pays you for every click
You get paid for every visitor that clicks on an ad. You to make as much as possible from your advertising space, by letting advertisers bid on your ad space.
** Example PPC advertisement : adsense Google , revenuepilot , adbrite , bidvertiser and others
10) What is an Incoming links ?
This is a very important thing, because to reach TOP 10 in Google, Yahoo!, MSN and other major search engines, you have to get as much quality incoming links as you can. What is an incoming link? It is when someone links to your site from his webpage. And when you have more links to your web site, your rank goes up. The better quality of the link is, the better ranking boost your site receives in search results.
How to get such links?
There are many ways to develop a high number of incominig links to your website.
1. reciprocial linking - asking other webmasters for links and linking back to their websites in exchange. It used to be an effective method, but right now search engines discount the value of such links to zero.
2. cross linking - asking other webmasters for link from to your website, and linking back to their website from your OTHER website. A similar method may be used when you have only one website, but your linking partner has 2 or more websites - ask for link to your site from one of his sites, and link back to his OTHER website in exchange.
3. context linking - writing articles with links to your website in the article text (target your keyphrases or keywords!), or sponsoring other articles, that have high Google PR
4. automatic link building - with a help of an automated link building system
11) How/Where to register domain name ?
** Register domain name : Example
By: Jimson Lee
The two most popular methods for email are web based email, and a local email client installed on a computer
The most popular email client is Microsoft Outlook and the stripped down version Outlook Express. The latter is free with a Windows Operating System.
The big 3 web based emails are MSN's Hotmail, Yahoo! and Google's Gmail. As long as you have an Internet connection and a browser, whether it’s Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer, your email is available anywhere, anytime.
Now that Gmail supports IMAP, by combining it with Outlook, here are 5 powerful and productivity tips when used together:
1) Organize with Outlook features: Folders, Rules, and Organize by Color
Your Labels appear as folders in Outlook IMAP. All of your mail will appear in the main Inbox, but if you have a Label assigned to it, it will be viewed in a separate folder.
You can have rules setup, which is more comprehensive than the filter and forward offered in Gmail.
Colors are more visual than plain text compared to labels in Gmail.
2) Sort by Sender or File size quickly
Your mail data or headers are stored locally, so sorting is much faster, depending on your computer.
By default, mail is sorted by date, newest on top. But if you wanted to sort by file size, it is one click of a button. Sorting or searching by web based email can be slow at times.
3) Consolidate some features in LinkedIn and Facebook into Outlook Contacts
The LinkedIn Toolbar for Outlook adds a small “info” link to each of your email messages. If that person is personal LinkedIn contact, their details will be shown. If not, you can search LinkedIn get their full public profile and resume online providing they are on LinkedIn.
It also has a "grabber" where you can highlight a few lines of their email signature, parse it properly into your contacts, then be synchronized to your Blackberry. No more OCR scanners from paper business cards!
With Facebook becoming more and more popular, you can use third party software like Fonebook to import photos and birthdays. It doesn’t add their email contacts, so you would have to drag and drop a new email into Contacts first before synchronizing.
4) Extra layer of SPAM protection
Gmail has an exception anti-spam protection. However, I still do get a few emails for the little blue pill.
On the email, simply right click, select Junk email, then add sender to the Blocked Senders List or Safe Senders List. Alternatively, you can add or block the Sender's domain to safe senders list.
5) Synchronize Outlook to your Blackberry or PDA wireless device.
Synchronize your Outlook contacts with your Blackberry or other smart phones. The Gmail mobile application for the Blackberry does not synchronize the address book.
Easy & Reliable
From the various facilities offered by Google, this will be discussed on google translate. Currently google translation supports 35 languages. Service software translator, translation is not perfectly desired. However, for some phrases, Google is grammatical fixes example on Indonesian language such as mobil baru = new car, toko buku = book stores, gadis cantik = beautiful girl, not a translation for a word; car new, store book and girl beautiful.
Suggest a better translation
These facilities give us the opportunity to contribute to a correct translation is not as if we want. For example, type the good news ---> good news, but if we type of good news ---> good news. So we can make corrections in the column Suggest a better translation.
Translate a Web Page
If we do not perkata troublesome words from the paragraph until, Google provides translation website. We try to translate the website Enter the url and link directly google translate this website. mouse over the text to the original text will appear and the menu Suggest a better translation
Translated Search
Next we enter the second tab-Search-translated, along with search words translated
The following is the menu tab-Dictionary-dictionary, but there is no dictionary for a language malta.
- Make your webpage instantly available in other languages
add the gadget to google translete page Website, and offers instant access to automatic translation from the page. Only how to copy-and-paste the html code provided.
- Get 1-click translations from your browser's toolbar
Translation with one click by adding one of the key language to your browser toolbar. Then if you want to translate a Web page that you see, simply click the button.
- Translate words instantly from English with no clicks at all
Facilities this toolbar does not provide the Indonesian language, only the translation from English to Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
Finally, try to please click here.