By Jill fernandez

If you want to define SEO in the minimum possible words, SEO is about the design strategies whether on page or of page that'll help you optimize your webpage for the search engines. It involves tweaking your website in such a manner to get a priority in search engine results with the ultimate goal of bringing more people to your website

There are a number of SEO tools that you can obtain over the internet. Some are costly and some are free and they all vary in effectiveness. It is important for you to understand these tools and how they work so that you can adjust your website accordingly.

Saturation checkers for search engines can be a vital tool for building a website. It is very easy to use and can give you a lot of the information you need in regards to SEO. Essentially it will notify you of which pages on your site actually appear on search engines and which do not. This will show you the exact pages that you need to update in order to make them more relevant.

Another utility is the search engine spider simulator. It will display how a search engine will view your webpage and displays the hyperlinks that the search engine will use. It will surely help you learn the fine details of SEO making you a better webmaster.

Backlink Anchor text analysis helps you determine your website's backlinks and also links text used by the backlinks to link to your webpage. You should know that quality and not quantity of backlinks is important and thus this toll can help you in this regard.

You can build a number of quality backlinks using the Backlink builder. It will keep a check on your theme and will relate to a number of pages having phrases such as "Add link", "Add site", "Add URL", "Add URL", "Submit URL" etc. they can be potential backlinks for your site. Any good webmaster will know the importance of text links for SEO.

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