By Alex Wu

Free is very good for a small business. As the economy continues a downward spiral, these companies are looking to save money any way that they can. A lot of times, advertising is what takes the first hit, but that defeats the purpose. You can't do business if people don't know about you. This is where free business classified ads come in. You can advertise all you want on the internet and it won't cost you a penny!

There are thousands of sites on the internet that are devoted to free business classified ads. There is not a small business around that can afford to pass up this opportunity. You have the ability to capture an audience for free that would cost you thousands of dollars in print.

Many small businesses forgo this outlet as they think they can only do business locally of that their product will not ship. What business is that? Just about every business you can think of has something that they can pack up and sell. You cannot afford to pass up the opportunity presented to you with free business classifieds.

Free business classifieds are more than just a few lines on a site. You have to put some thought into what you post as you are usually going to have a restriction on how many lines you can put out or how many characters you can use. Keywords will literally be the key. You are going to have to make a point and do it quickly in a way that will get people wanting your items. You also need to get them pointed to an area that will feed them even more information about your product.

You will do this by highlighting your service or business as much as possible and then you will use your last line to direct them to your website, blog or social page. Now you can talk about your business as much as you want. You just created hits for your site by taking advantage of a free business classified. How much better does it get?

The challenge of course is going to be to get people to read your ad. This is going to take some work on your part. You of course want your ad to show up among the top of the search page on both external and internal engines. That is going to take accurate keywords that are aimed exactly at your niche. This is nothing more than researching the most popular sites and basically duplicating what they have already perfected.

Now it is time to get creative with free business classified ads and you are going to do that by exploring sites and areas in the classifieds that are common to what you are selling but are completely different at the same time. Confused? The idea here is a type of cross contamination. You are selling fishing poles. You have posted everywhere you can think of, but now you are going to use keywords for rifles in your ad but when they click, low and behold, they are lead to your fishing pole site. You are going after rifle buyers here that probably also fish. If they don't who cares, they close out your site and go back to the search engine. If they do fish, you may have caught them in an impulse moment and they start exploring your site. Tell me you haven't had this happen to you. Doing this effectively just may make you the next Bill Gaites!

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