How my Tom Tom helps me

Diposkan oleh Wanto | 4:47 AM

By Bill Cool

I thought I would just write a few words to let everyone know why I love my sat nav so much.

The following reasons are why I love my TomTom so very much and why you should love yours too.

1. I travel for work and therefore it saves me loads of time as I am always going to new areas that I have absolutely not clue as to how I find my way around. I really do not know how I coped with out it before when I relied on old fashioned maps in order to find my way around.

2. I find it amusing that my mother simply does not understand it and seems to think that it is the spear head oy yet another new wave of evil technology. Which she is basically convinced is taking over the world. The way she jumps every time it speaks totally cracks me up.

3. My tom toms voice is called susan and she sounds very nice. I really fancy getting one of those celebrity voices installed with someone like jonney vagas doing the talking when I am driving along. Although I suspect that may actually drive me completely mad after a while.

4. I love the fact that it helps me avoid traffic jams. As well as all those pointless toll charges that they seem to be installing on every road that I actually want to use. The fastest root option is also great when I am rushing for meetings all round the country.

5. All the points of interest are pointed out to me as I drive along. So its really easy to stop and visit. I get to see all sorts of interesting places I would otherwise miss. It even lets me sort all these places by type so I can find museums which I love.

6. Finding obscure sports pitches when I am playing Rugby at the week end is a definite bonus. Especially as the directions my team captain gives me are always terrible. He has no sense of navigation and keeps giving us multimap printouts for the wrong places. I much prefer just getting the post code and being directed there.

7. I love the way it is so easy to use that I can quickly reset it all when I am at junctions and so don?t have to keep stopping the car if I want to change where I am going. Its also pretty easy to see the thing in the day or night time. Which is great for me with my dodgy eyesight.

8. I am going on holiday to cornwell next week so I will be able to do away with maps for once and cruise down their in record time I hope.

Kind Regards,


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