By Rosie Cottis

One of the simplest free ways to attract more web site traffic is to leave comments on blogs. And it's no problem at all to find the right blogs now that you can get your hands on Comment Kahuna, a link building blog comment tool from Portal Feeder, absolutely free.

This is not a lite version, trial version, or any kind of test version. This is the full business tool, and it is completely white hat. The only problem is that it may not be available for free for much longer.

'A White Hat Blog Comment Tool - What Is That?'

A white hat blog comment tool will simply find blogs in your niche area that you can leave comments on. You have the option to add a link or URL to your comment and of course you will want to do this, so that people can click through to your site. A professional tool like Comment Kahuna will list the page rank of all of the blogs, or offer you the option of searching only with blogs with a certain page rank. These are likely to be the most visited blogs. Then you simply write an individual comment for each one and submit it along with your details.

'What Is A Black Hat Blog Comment Tool?'

Black hat tools are usually spamming tools. They send an identical comment to hundreds or thousands of blogs automatically. It sounds easy and many people are drawn into paying high prices for this type of software. But because the comments are so general, blog owners almost always recognize them as spam and delete them before they are even published. So this type of black hat tool is usually a waste of time and money. Comment Kahuna is NOT a black hat or spamming tool.

'Why Would I Want To Leave Comments On Other People's Blogs?'

It's a great way to get links to your site(s) and, most importantly, traffic. Leave a good comment on a well-visited blog and people will click through on your link and visit your site. There they will read your pages and perhaps visit your advertisers, click on your affiliate promotions or your Adsense ads.

'I Wouldn't Know How To Use A Blog Comment Tool.'

No problem - there is a training video right there on the page that you can watch before you even download.

And even if you don't have a site ready that you need to build links to right now, remember that it's a $97 value, and right now it's available for free. You will probably regret it if you don't pick it up right now. Click on the link below to see all the details.

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