By Dominic D. Johnstone

With just 140 keystrokes, people send a brief message to friends and followers to answer the question, what are you doing right now?

Did you ever imagine that a social networking concept as basic and simplistic as this could become so popular?

Pretty well everyone we know knows about Facebook. The reason it is interesting is because we can see into the daily lives of our friends in a way never before seen. People post photos, websites, interesting news, and even their status at the moment. Who would have imagined that a site dedicated to nothing but status updates would become so universal?

I am specifically talking about This fairly fresh website is quickly becoming the new phenomenon in Internet and online marketing.

No matter how basic or boring the concept appears to be at first glance, it is very powerful. Just a few years ago not many people would have thought anyone would care if say for example - I am going for a grande mocca frappaccino at Starbucks with John. Nowadays, people are very interested in the minutia of each others lives. Well add that to the explosive growth rate of memberships on these viral social networking sites, and it introduces a very powerful marketing tool.

You see at you can post as many updates as you can and want to in as short a time as you feel like. Most people dont want to be viewed as annoying or spammy with their posts, but many people do add multiple status updates per week.

Additionally, Twitter allows you to post links to your website via hyperlink on your update. The benefit is double. First, you have people following you and thus subscribing to your updates on Twitter. They may click your link and follow the lead to your site. Second, Twitter is gaining a great reputation in the Internet. And you may find that Google regards links from highly prolific and respected pages as being from a good Internet neighbor.

For example, take the Twitter profile page of editor Chris Knight. . He has thousands of people following him and he is following thousands of people. As of time of writing his Twitter profile page has a Google page ranking of 5. That is fairly impressive for just another profile page on a social network website.

The implication of the second facet is that Google will identify numerous inbound links from higher page rank pages, to your website. While your own page rank itself is not a critical factor, it is important to have links coming in from highly regarded web pages.

To wrap up it is very obvious that Twitter is both a fun but unsophisticated online site. It is also a very effective tool for online marketers. When you consider the exponential growth of other social network sites, we can understand the importance of burgeoning websites such as

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