By Dr. Matthew Loop

It seems that chiropractors are still listening to the old tactics of consultants that have no knowledge of the market today, and that means that many small chiropractic businesses are going down the toilet. How do these businesses just sit by and watch the ship as it sinks? The economy is the weakest it's been in a long time, and people simply aren't paying attention to the same old advertising tricks. If chiropractors don't upgrade their game-plan, they're going to be losing in a big way.

Eric Hoffer once said," In times of change, the learners will inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists!" Those who adapt will survive, and I'm sure Darwin will agree. It's time to let your chiropractic practice evolve with the time, or be left as an ancient fossil.

Fast forward now to the Web 2.0 phenomenon that is sweeping the globe at the present time. Whenever you hear the term Web 2.0, it simply refers to social media and sharing sites like Myspace, YouTube, Facebook, Squidoo, Digg, and truckloads of others. Web 2.0 has literally transformed the way people think and communicate online in the past three years. A global shift in attracting massive amounts of new business and patients has occurred as well.

I know this is true, because I've experienced it in my own practice. I have been able, within the last several years, to attract 10-20 new patients a month, not to mention other sources of streaming income by successfully using Web 2.0. My competitors can't say the same. Since my success, I have felt compelled to teach other chiropractors how to utilize this same social media phenomenon. I have basically transformed chiropractic models for acquiring new patients. And if that weren't enough, I've also showed these businesses how to make residual income using these very same web programs.

Don't be fooled by the self-professed "Gurus" that are springing-up from everywhere and offering absolutely no results, but proclaiming they teach innovative marketing techniques. This troubles me, simply because I hate to see insecure students and DC's taking a huge financial chance on these other programs, only to get totally average results. Don't fall for cheap consulting from some scam-management company. If they don't specialize in social media, they are not cutting-edge in the field. Don't take your baby to the old folk's home, do you get my drift? You need a quality nursery, to have your baby nurtured.

I make no qualms about it, I am the first and only Web 2.0 chiropractic marketing expert, and my expertise has already changed the lives of thousands of young professionals. These professionals have experienced first-hand the great life transformation that takes place when your time and finances grow and are free to be used at your disposal. Isn't it time to take time for your life, and achieve your financial dreams? I have had the great honor of being their mentor on this journey to making more with less effort. Stop working 40 hours a week, and say hello to your newer, richer life.

Before I leave you, I want to share with you a strategy that you can implement today when branding yourself on social media websites. Tell your story in no little than 6 paragraphs. Make mention of your life and the obstacles you've had to overcome to get to where you are today. You may want to have a title of "Who is (Your Name)?" People want to get to know you and see that you're a real person like them. What drives you and why do you like to help people? People aren't on these networks to hear about your business and don't like to have advertisements thrust in their face.

Also, before you begin to invite friends to view your profile, make sure you've set-up at least 3 blogs as well. These will keep people glued to your page as you strategically build your name and reputation in your community. I delve deeply into the proper dynamics in my 30 "Step-by-step video training series at the website below. Take these things to heart and begin to navigate in the ever-expanding Web 2.0 realm and you'll see, if done correctly like I teach, you'll have all the business you want and be able to amass multiple streams of income very easily. Continued success!

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